Old, Pre Op Fares/Prices

This web page and a related email confirm your Pre-Op fare/price discounts, as described below.
Pre-Op fares are subject to normal payment provisions.
Your initial or renewed rights to reserve/acquire Journey by Rail products at a special
Pre-Op fare/price follow. These rights are valid for no obligation Provisional Reservations or
confirmed reservations made by the 15th of August 2021 for future Journey departure dates.
There is a smart alternative way to acquire Journeys by Rail. Scroll down to the bottom of this page.
For a description go to Individual Journeys
You can reserve a Journey at a fare that is 38% less than the lowest Journey web site price for a similar Journey on the same departure date. The reservation must be at least 112 days before departure. If you don’t reserve Journeys as stated above, your Pre-Op rights will automatically terminate and you will have no obligation of any kind.
For a description go to Group information

You can reserve Journeys for a group at fares that are 45% less than the lowest Journey web site price for similar Journeys on the same departure date. The reservation must be at least 112 days before departure. A group must include no less than four bedrooms and eight passengers. If you don’t reserve Journeys as stated above, your Pre-Op rights will automatically terminate and you will have no obligation of any kind.
For a description go to Trainshare information
You can acquire an option to purchase a Train’Share at a price that is 25% less than the lowest web site price for a similar Train’Share at the time you make a purchase. The designated time period for the purchased Train’Share must be at least 120 days after the date of purchase. If you don’t acquire an option as stated above, your Pre-Op rights will automatically terminate and you will have no obligation of any kind.
For a description go to Fractional Interest information
You can acquire an option to purchase a Fractional Interest at a Pre-Op price that is 25% less than the lowest web site price for a similar Fractional Interest at the time you make a purchase. The earliest designated time period for the purchased Fractional Interest must be at least 120 days after the date of purchase. If you don’t acquire an option as stated above, your Pre-Op rights will automatically terminate and you will have no obligation of any kind.
We will keep you informed about related schedules, departure dates and vacation opportunities.
These Pre-Op fare/price discounts can’t be combined with shareholder credits or any other fare or price reduction.
America’s Trains – 817 696-1507 – info@americastrain.com
A smart alternative way to acquire Journey by Rail vacation products.
A smart alternative to the above Pre-Op discounts, is to invest a small or larger amount ($100s to $1,000s) in America’s Trains Inc.  To meet excess demand we are raising more capital to expedite introduction of more cars and related Journeys. America’s Trains Inc. is offering stock to the public using a crowdfunding platform. The price per share for early investors is $0.60, assuming that the company valuation is minimally $960,000, which is low based on reasonable valuation criterion and because discounted expected earnings are not considered, increasing to $0.70 when 83,333 shares are sold, increasing to at least $0.80 when about 369,000 shares are sold, increasing thereafter.  Based on a minimal 3 times projected earnings (EBITDA) in year two the company valuation will be about $30 million.
In addition to other secured investment benefits, like the right to sell stock back to America’s Trains for 130% of your purchase price, you will get cash credits of up to 64% of the invested amount as payment towards Journeys by Rail products or a worldwide selection of other vacations. Send your email below for automatic pre-public access to investment information.
